Fabio Resnati

Fabio Resnati, member of the official Roll of Professional Chartered Accountants and the Public Register of Auditors, is member of the Board of Directors of gda since 2000. He started his auditor career in 1990 and his experience mainly relates: to the financial audit of annual reports and of the cost claimed by private and public entities subsidised by the European Commission; to technical consultancy for Law Courts, and to statutory auditing activity.

The experience gained in the field of financial auditing provided him a deep knowledge not only in the voluntary and legal audit of annual reports, but also in the field of anti-fraud investigation, assistance to bankruptcy procedures, checks on the use of the public subsides and international reporting.

Particular importance is related to the engagements received by the European Commission aimed to verify the fair use and the correct cost reporting in relation to subsidies provided to public and private entities in relation with the research and development projects and to humanitarian projects. Speaker in meetings and courses concerning the analysis of financial statements and consolidated financial statements, auditing, organised by private entities (Istituto di Ricerca Internazionale, Associazione Analisti Finanziari) and local organisation of the Italian professional accounting bodies.


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